Frozen pellets of garlic scape pesto, prepared for you to have an easy dinner. Ingredients: garlic scapes, walnuts olive oil, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper. Each pack serves 2.
Vacuum-packed for maximum freshness.
Preparation: Take a pack of pesto out of the freezer when you decide to make dinner and leave it on the counter. Prepare pasta like your Nona taught you: al dente. Then drain most of the water and add the pesto pellets to the pot.
Or add to bread and broil for delicious toast.
Add whatever else you want (spinach and peas and white beans are nice) and presto: dinner is served.
Horticultural backstory: In June, the garlic plants put up curlicues called scapes, which are harvested as a vegetable. Then the plants can continue growing and putting all their energy into adding girth to the garlic bulbs beneath the soil, which will be harvested later.
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